Sunday, April 6, 2014

Veneer of Veracity: "In Vogue for Vanity"

Whenever you log onto any social media web site nowadays, you may notice many of the most popular posts are plagiarized I quotes about trust, jealousy, and <em>haters<em>.</em></em>

It's amazing how many people assume others are jealous of them, or are thinking of them. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, 

<blockquote>You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.


Vanity seems to be the major concern for most of those people who consistently post about "having haters", "hating drama", and "people making them famous."  The absurdity and humorous side of seeing posts such as those are blatant to the minority who discern that the majority of those who post such things are the instigators of the negativity in their own lives…but want to appear as if they're innocent lambs brought to the slaughter by vicious wolves. 

If one is innocent, they wouldn't spend so much time attempting to prove it with a veneer of veracity of quote mining and plagiarism. 

What's even more devastating is, many of those who do post such things profess to be devout followers  of Christ, and condemn those they prejudge with hearsay to be hypocrites . As a believer and follower of Christ, I believe and practice in the ministry of reconciliation and confronting in love.

<blockquote>All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; -2 Corinthians 5:18<blockquote>

If one despises something, they won't spend much precious time talking about it…they'll focus on what they truly love.

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