Sunday, July 6, 2014

 Many times friends,relatives, and others who have known us for a long time,take us for granted …and do not show any appreciation for the things we do for them. It is often people like that who only show appreciation to others who only  give them material things  or money instead of time,love, and prayer. Often they do things for people they feel can do something for them in return materialistically, because they have a selfish and ungrateful heart.
Lord,please forgive us for developing  any tension, resentment, sadness and anger towards those who have hurt & taken us for granted, please forgive us for any rage that we may have allowed to fester inside of ourselves. Thank You for helping us to continue to be merciful & forgiving to the spiteful, to the abusive & sarcastic  people in our that Your love, grace, and mercy will be honored & glorified! 
In Jesus' Name, 

Don't eat at the table of a stingy person or be greedy for the fine food he serves. “Come on and have some more,” he says, but he doesn't mean it. What he thinks is what he really is. You will vomit up what you have eaten, and all your flattery will be wasted. Don't try to talk sense to a fool; he can't appreciate it. (Proverbs 23:6-9 GNT)

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