Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"I do believe that spiritual gifts are available to us today for the edification of the church…I also believe that many are the products of divination, and are false.  We have to discern what is God’s truth and what is man’s truth. The Bible is the deciding factor.

Is it possible that some Christians and some who claim to be Christian have opened themselves up to demonic forces and truly believe they are hearing from God, but are not? YES! That spirit guides and angels you have summoned from another metaphysical realm are holy? NO! They are not holy.

In a world that is giving way to a New Age, a new spiritual mysticism, we have to, as Christians, discern what is from God and what is not. We are to test the spirits.

I John 4:1   Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

I beg of not practice anything that is at all similar to eastern meditation. Meditation is the common factor to all metaphysical and ungodly methods. If you have ….stop and repent…..ask God’s forgiveness.

The goal of the New Age is to unite all religions.  Hold strong onto your faith in Jesus Christ. I know many reject this but…. He is indeed THE ONLY WAY.

John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Also remember that Satan is a great counterfeiter and deceiver.  He imitates the things of Christ. Satan is not the light. The Lord Jesus Christ is.

So this verse bears repeating.

2 Corinthians 11:14  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light .

Pray daily that the Lord will give you discernment in these last days of great deception. Discern the light of the world, Jesus, from the counterfeit light of Satan’s enlightment. Many caught up in this spiritual deception and false system are experiencing the darkest time in their lives. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks seem to be common factors among those who have crossed over into this forbidden world. Those dark spirits who follow you do so because you invited them.

Jesus Christ demonstrated His power over the demonic world. Only He can cast out those dark spirits.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who triumphed over Satan and sin on the cross. He rose again. He is our Savior and will cleanse us from sin and fill us with the Holy Spirit. Faith is trust. Trust in Him."   

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