Friday, April 8, 2016

In my time, I have experienced and learned about the dimensions of God's graciousness and faithfulness.  Dealing with both positive and negative experiences in this lifetime…while trusting in Him, has helped me become content in every circumstance, while not having the answer to every question to satisfy inquiring minds ... I learned that it is better not to know each detail of everything , because if I did ... I wouldn't be living by faith in Him.  He's shown me time and time again , that trusting Him is better than putting trust in anything or anyone else ... because only through Him, can the impossible be made possible!  Choose to have a blessed lifetime of faith-filled living through Christ , and you would have made the best decision one could ever make! Then,  you will witness for yourself , how possibilities evolve from what appeared to be impossibilities!  God bless you!

“For with God nothing will be impossible.”” - Luke 1:37 NKJV

— Erika Seaborn  


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