Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If Only They Knew

People tend to minimize their verbal attacks on others. I, as a living witness, have experienced the taunts and other forms of verbal abuse that so many in this world have.

What we say, leaves lasting impressions in the souls of others...
If Only They Knew....would they have bombarded you with countless verbal assaults? Maybe not....but, we'll never know, because we don't have the power to see into the hearts of others, BUT we do have the power to touch and reach the hearts of others, courtesy of the free will GOD granted us. The power of life and death are in the tongue, and how we use it ...is our responsibility, which we are held accountable for eternity.
If they knew, would they consider the eternal consequences of the words that flow out of their mouths? Suffice it to say, maybe some wouldn't care...but, regardless, we're not responsible for what they say and do...we're only accountable for what we say, do, and think. Let's not give life to those verbal assaults, lets annihilate them with kindness, peace, and joy as much as we able!♥

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