Sunday, January 12, 2014

Usually when people are self-absorbed and insecure, they allow the enemy to use them to become obsessed with becoming self-righteous , at the expense of another person's reputation , by using assumptions & critical comments. People who feel insecure about their lives and relationships, particularly bullies, tend to label others as insecure in order to make themselves appear stronger & bolder. 

One of the methods bullies use in an attempt to intimidate others, is to call others insecure in front of a group of people. They use this method in order to bring down the defenses of their prey. They know there's a chance the person they're attacking will not retaliate , and if they do stand up for themselves ...the bully will use their words out of context  to make himself look berated and the other person as unstable.
Bullie also tend to accuse others without confronting them. They share slanderous details out of context , to make the person they're attacking appear to be malicious.
Another sneaky method insecure people use to invalidate the confidence of another person , is to avoid people they don't want others to associate with then, out of fear of rejection from their cliques. 
Today and always, may you be aware of the tactics bullies use , so that you'll be able to protect those you care about; your livelihood; your relationships , and any area of your life. Remember, those who are quick to accuse others and label them as insecure, are slow to recognize they're deflecting their own insecurities and drama onto others. —Erika Seaborn 

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