Wednesday, October 29, 2014


It May Be Time To Quit!


An old-time revival preacher announced that Thursday was going to be “Quitter’s Night” at the tent revival. It was public confession time.


A child stood and said she was going to quit telling lies. A teenager rose to his feet and said he was going to quit smoking. Even adults were making these public confessions. They were going to quit drinking or gambling or cussin’, etc.


And then it happened. A saintly silver-haired lady stood up. It was real quiet and folks were wondering what this “model” Christian had possibly done.


“Well now, Mrs. Jones,” said the preacher, “what are you repenting of?”


Mrs. Jones cleared her throat and said, “I ain’t done nothin’ and I’m gonna quit it.”


Perhaps we should all be reminded that sometimes our most prevalent sin is something we were supposed to do, but didn’t. If we’re doing nothing, it may be time to quit!

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