Thursday, December 4, 2014

Scrutiny has its sidekick…

Scrutiny has its sidekick…drama. Oftentimes, people who have the harshest criticisms about other people's personalities and character, are the most vocal and eager about presenting idealistic qualities about themselves. They're the type of people who profess they don't like drama, and that they have 'haters', but they're also the usual culprits who initiate slander and conflict at the expense of another's reputation.They're the people who want others to speak up, so they can further their malicious agenda to scrutinize every gesture, word, and deed of their targets. They're the people who seek to stealthily tell others who know or are familiar with their target, the imaginary, cruel things that were done to them, in order to establish a sense of credibility for themselves and against their target(s). In the church, it's usually the pastor they seek to tell their story to. They'll often tell the pastor that their target is jealous of them or their relationship(s), and then the pastor will use the target as a subject for their sermons or bible studies…without getting the target's side of the story or confronting them privately as the bible instructs. 

And if thy brother sin against thee, go, show him his fault between thee and him alone: if he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he hear thee not, take with thee one or two more, that at the mouth of two witnesses or three every word may be established. And if he refuse to hear them, tell it unto the church: and if he refuse to hear the church also, let him be unto thee as the Gentile and the publican. (Matthew 18:15-17 )

Then, there's the cryptic social media poster, who will go quote mining and post cryptic statuses about being hurt, having haters, and people being jealous of them…all for attention's sake, and to further their aggressive and slanderous agenda. With all of that said, it is obvious that people who do such things, all on the premise of spitefulness and insecurity…they are the drama initiators and conspirators. It is unwise to associate with people who make it their business to accuse others and start trouble.

A person of perversity will spread dissent, and he who whispers separates a close friend. (Proverbs 16:28 LEB)

Along with false accusations, smear campaigns, and bitter rants customized to murder the reputations of others…comes the the sidekick of their scrutiny, drama. All the while people who profess to despise it, they continue to add fuel to the fire(s) they started, by initiating and entertaining judgmental actions , thoughts, and remarks against others. Beware of the one who magnifies ,their personal image in comparison to others, because along with their prideful public declarations designed to promote a veneer of truth covering selfish motives , they have an intense private agenda they desire to keep hidden by lying about others having an agenda against them and others. Remember, scrutiny of another person is designed as a distraction to keep your attention off of the scrutinizer's selfish motives. Scrutiny has its sidekick…drama.

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