Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Earlier today, I had a very heartfelt conversation with a friend of mine, who is a sales associate at a local retailer. She and I were discussing how this season doesn't feel like the Christmas holiday feels more commercial and cold. Even though most holidays were created to drive consumerism in this nation...there was a special type of sentiment about love, family, friends, and most importantly...Jesus Christ that filled the hearts of many, and was felt without question. The scriptures say in Matthew 24:12 – "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." ... and it is becoming more and more evident as we speak! Even though many use this time of the year, as well as Easter  to focus onThe Lord...I choose to focus on Him daily, as I grow and am corrected , inspired, comforted, loved, and challenged by His Holy Spirit to fulfill His calling on my life. There are times when I don't get it 100% right...but He is still mercifully directing my steps and guiding me. My prayer is that even though it may not feel like a loving holiday season… we should aspire to walk in love daily, in spite of this world's traditions and customs. If you are born again, you should know that we are not called to be like this world anyway … but to be more like Christ. Today and always, may your life be filled with love … particularly the love of Christ, and your days overflowing with joy in spite of what is or not going on in this world. GOD bless you! #Evonika❤ღ❤ 

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